Washing dishes is a way to remove bacteria and leftover food inside, but few people think that these habits can make bacteria penetrate more strongly and bring many dangerous diseases.
If you and your family still have this habit when washing dishes, you need to change it immediately, because it is the cause of dangerous diseases.
Use hot water when washing dishes

Do you prefer hot water to cold water when washing dishes? If so, it’s time to stop! While hot water may help you remove grease, it’s not kind to your hands. Hot water can dry out your skin and even cause burns. To avoid this, use cold or warm water. You can use hot water to clean greasy utensils, but avoid using hot water to clean all your dishes.
Soaking bowls and chopsticks in soap for too long

Many people have the habit of soaking dirty dishes in diluted dishwashing liquid in the hope of cleaning more effectively. However, this method can lead to the risk of chemicals seeping into your eating and cooking utensils.
This is especially true for chopsticks and spoons made from permeable materials such as bamboo or wood, as they are more likely to absorb chemicals. Therefore, limit the soaking time and make sure to wash the utensils thoroughly to protect your health.
Long time no change dishcloth

Most of us are guilty of using dirty sponges over and over again. People continue to use them even though they know they need to be cleaned. Sponges tend to absorb food particles and even smell. Using them to wash dishes can spread bacteria and odors. So, always replace your sponges and dishcloths regularly.
Using too much detergent

Many people think that using a lot of detergent to create a lot of foam can clean all the grease stains on dishes.
According to researchers, it is true that using more detergent will increase cleaning efficiency. However, its “side effect” is that it is very difficult to wash off all the chemicals, and the remaining chemicals will leach into food when the utensils are reused.
Sometimes, things that seem good for the family can have very serious consequences. Therefore, to protect the health of your family, you should change these habits so that everyone can be healthy!