Home Health These foods are probably in your fridge. Consume them to naturally cleanse...

These foods are probably in your fridge. Consume them to naturally cleanse your colon

A healthy colon gets rid of toxins, clearing the way for good digestion enabling you to feel lighter, stronger and more energized.

The colon extracts the final bits of nutrients from the food you eat after the small intestine has done its job of digestion and absorption. Those nutrients include water and minerals such as, calcium, iron magnesium zinc and copper. This absorption happens through the walls of the colon. It is critical for your health that these final stages of digestion works efficiently otherwise you can become become toxic and even malnourished.

There are many natural methods for cleansing the colon. Here is a list of foods and simple ingredients that will help you keep a healthy colon.

1. Apple Juice

You know the saying? “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” … And yes, the apple is a fruit with many health benefits.

It is rich in water and pectin, a soluble fiber that swells in the digestive process (increases satiety). The acidity of the apple reduces the absorption of fats and sugars during digestion in order to best eliminate toxins. It is naturally acidic and having a high level of fructose permits to naturally clean the colon.
You can drink one or two cups of apple juice per day (treatment for a week for example) to clean your colon. If you do not prepare your juice in the juicer, make sure to consume a 100% pure fruit juice and no added sugar for optimum efficiency.

2. Lemons

Lemon juice is very effective in cleansing the colon. It rids the colon of waste matter build up and acts as an antiseptic, which hinders the growth of microorganisms. Drinking a glass of lemon juice in the morning flushes out the toxins that have built up in your system overnight. It also alkalizes your body. Read the full article here.

3. Water

It is well known that water is essential in the process of elimination of wastes and accumulated toxins. You can drink water without moderation to clean your digestive system. Drinking 2 quarts per day is enough to clean your colon.

4. Homemade Bone Broth

This amazing food heals the gut lining. It contains collagen, which nourishes the intestinal lining and reduces inflammation. Plus, it’s easy for a damaged gut to digest and reap the benefits of its protein and minerals.

Bone broth is also inherently calming, consoling and restorative Since it reduces your stress levels is also helps your gut.

Because collagen cleans the lining of the intestinal tract it helps relieve digestive issues.

5. Ginger

Among its many benefits, ginger has antioxidant and antibacterial properties helping to eliminate waste, improve digestion and promote weight loss. For example, you can add a few thin slices of ginger to your regular tea and enjoy all the health benefits of this ingredient.

6. Fresh Vegetable Juice

Fresh vegetable juices are on a roll lately! And you would be wrong to deprive yourself because they are great source of vitamins and nutrients.
The benefit of eating vegetables in a juice form is that they are more easily assimilated than in a raw form because some require a very long digestion process that can last for several hours. Vegetable juice is a great alternative to give your body essential vitamins and enzymes that will cleanse your colon. Preferably opt for organic vegetables to prepare your vegetable juice.