Home Babies On the bus, the 5-year-old child said loudly ‘that lady is wearing...

On the bus, the 5-year-old child said loudly ‘that lady is wearing too revealing’, making everyone embarrassed, the mother’s response was praised

A recent incident has gained much public attention. Reportedly, Julia, a young mother, faced an embarrassing situation with her 5-year-old son a few days ago.

That day, Julia and her son took the bus home. While Julia was holding her son in her arms, there was a young girl standing next to her. Perhaps because the bus was too stuffy, this girl took off her coat, wearing only a thin shirt.

At this time, Julia’s 5-year-old son suddenly stared at the girl and said: “Mom, that girl is wearing too revealing”. The boy did not speak too loudly but the sound was enough to attract the attention of many people on the bus. At that time, everyone turned their eyes to the young girl, making her look a bit embarrassed and seem to want to put her coat back on.

In this situation, Julia immediately smiled at the girl. The mother slightly bowed to apologize because her son had bothered the girl on public transport!

Then, Julia whispered into her son’s ear: “Everyone has the right to dress freely. Last time I took you shopping for clothes, I also let you choose what you like. Now it is too hot. Everyone can freely choose clothes, dress loosely and look cooler. However, you cannot arbitrarily judge others. This is impolite behavior, do you understand?”.

The 5-year-old son nodded and everyone on the bus smiled in agreement. It must be said that even through just one small action, one can see Julia’s great way of educating her son. Many people also say that this mother’s way of educating her son is very wonderful and deserves to be referred to and learned by many people.

For illustrative purpose only. Source: dSD

Words has very powerful effects. Especially with the immature mind of a child, a word, whether negative or positive, from a parent can have an impact no less than a physical impact. The words of parents contribute to building the child’s childhood experience and personality, which will follow the child throughout his or her life.

Teaching young children how to behave well during public transport is important to help them develop good habits of behaving civilly, respecting others and keeping themselves safe. Here are some behaviours to teach your child

For illustrative purpose only. Source: dSD

1. Greet and be polite

When getting on the bus, teach children to greet the driver or ticket seller if they have the opportunity. This is a small gesture but shows respect for those who serve in society. On the bus, children need to be polite, not to push or make noise to disturb people around them. Teach children to say “thank you” or “sorry” when necessary, and to give up their seats to the elderly, pregnant women or people with disabilities.

2. Keep quiet and do not make noise

On the bus, the common space is very limited, so teach children to keep order, not to speak loudly, shout or laugh too much. This helps everyone have a quiet space to rest or focus on the journey. In particular, children should understand that the bus is a public place, everyone around has the right to privacy and does not want to be disturbed.

3. Do not judge or comment on other people’s appearance

One of the most important things when teaching children is to respect each person’s differences. On the bus, there will be many people with different appearances, styles of dress and behavior. Teach children not to comment on the appearance, body shape, or way of dressing of anyone on the bus, to avoid accidentally hurting others. For example, if children wonder about someone’s appearance, parents can explain that everyone has their own appearance and style, and that is completely normal.

4. Maintain general hygiene

Children need to know how to maintain general hygiene, not littering on the bus. Teach children about the importance of keeping public spaces clean, thereby encouraging them not to eat or litter on the bus. If there is food or candy wrappers, parents should instruct children to put them in their bags and wait until they get off the bus to throw them away in the right place.

5. Keep distance and do not disturb others

There are often many people on the bus, and the cramped space can make children curious or accidentally collide with others. Teach your child to keep their distance, not to touch strangers, and to avoid asking unnecessary questions about others. This helps them develop a sense of privacy and respect for individual rights.

6. Respect public property

Teaching children to take care of public property is an important lesson. Children should not draw graffiti, write on seats, windows, or vandalize equipment on the bus. Teaching children to protect and respect public property will help them form good habits and be more responsible in using public services.