A menopausal mum has thanked her active sex life for saving her life after her husband found a lump in her breast – that turned out to be c*ncer.

Tina Gray, 52, went through menopause two years ago but was adamant she wasn’t going to give up her sex life with her husband Dez, 51.
The pair made a conscious effort to keep up excitement in the bedroom, making sure their flame didn’t die out.
The mother-of-one explained that she asked Dez to check her left breast after thinking she felt something unusual and immediately he detected a lump that he was certain wasn’t there before.
It turned out to be a c*ncerous mass and Tina said it was warehouse manager Dez’s newfound familiarity with her boobs which saved her life.
She was sitting on the sofa watching TV one night without a bra on and felt a hard lump just above her nipple on her left breast.

Concerned, she asked Dez to cop a feel of her breast to see if it felt different to usual. And he immediately realised something was wrong.
Tina, from Aldershot, said: It was such a huge shock when we found the lump – you do momentarily find yourself facing your own mortality.
She added that their intense intimacy throughout menopause meant Dez was better placed than ever to know if something was different.
“Dez grew very interested in my boobs which has now meant he’s saved my life,” she said.
Dez added that Tina’s change in 2020 coincided with lockdowns, leaving the couple with a lot on their plate.
“It was like ‘oh, we don’t need that’,” he said.

She underwent surgery to have a lump in each breast removed before the c*ncer spread.
The mum of one went in for surgery on October 20 where the lumps were excised and biopsies were taken from her sentinel nodes.
Doctors revealed that Tina had stage one invasive ductal carcenoma in her right breast and stage three in her left.
Thanks to Dez’s quick discovery, they were able to remove all of the c*ncer during surgery before it spread to other areas of Tina’s body, effectively saving her life.
mirror.co.uk, dailymail.co.uk