The “battle of the bulge” is a fight that appears to get more difficult to win as you get older.
The fight might be discouraging at times, especially when you’re counting calories and exercising but still seeing the scale rise.
With a little bit of knowledge, you can make the food you eat work for you rather than against you. Knowing which meals help you burn calories or make you feel satiated, so you eat less, could be all it takes to change the tide in your favor.
Listed here are ten foods that can help you burn off belly fat just by consuming them.
Muscle-building foods.
Proteins are a great way to develop and maintain muscle. They are also more difficult for the body to digest, thus they burn more calories when utilized.
1. Nuts. According to Women’s Health, all nuts are high in protein and promote muscular growth. Nuts have the added benefit of making you feel full faster.

2. Grass-fed beef. Unfortunately, beef has a poor reputation nowadays, although it’s actually quite excellent for you. Dr. Axe suggests grass-fed beef as a great source of protein and good fats, which can help you grow muscle while also burning calories.
3. Milk and eggs. Dairy products and eggs are good sources of protein and can help you grow muscle. According to Women’s Health, they also promote bone health.
4. Chicken. Aside from being a good source of protein, Dr. Axe says chicken has the extra benefit of satisfying food cravings, allowing you to stop eating sooner.
5. Peanut Butter. According to Women’s Health, peanut butter contains a high concentration of testosterone, which is necessary for muscle mass maintenance. It also aids in fat loss by promoting muscle growth.
Satisfying foods

Eating fruits and vegetables is beneficial, but it can make you hungry. Knowing which foods satisfy hunger or make you feel full faster can help you control your appetite.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar. According to Dr. Axe, consuming one to two teaspoons of vinegar before a meal will help you reduce your sugar cravings and feel fuller faster.
7. Greek yogurt. Aside from being a fantastic source of protein, WebMD notes that Greek yogurt is quite satisfying, preventing you from eating as much.
8. Cinnamon. Cinnamon has numerous health benefits, the most notable of which is appetite control. WebMD advises mixing it into your morning coffee or tea.
Metabolism-boosting foods

Boosting your metabolism is an excellent strategy to burn more calories. Some foods can actually speed up your metabolism.
9. Hot peppers. Hot and spicy meals are excellent metabolic stimulants. According to WebMD, any hot pepper will do the job while also adding a rush of flavor.
10. Grapefruit. Grapefruit is at the opposite extreme of the spicy pepper spectrum. According to Dr. Axe, it includes enzymes that help break down sugar and increase metabolism.