Home Tricks-Tips Eating three dates a day can have incredible effects on your body

Eating three dates a day can have incredible effects on your body

Add dates to your diet and you’ll feel better.

Although it is known as a “sugar date”, this fruit is actually much healthier than candy or other sweets. There are many reasons to eat dates every day: They help keep your digestive system working smoothly; they contain essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium, potassium and iron; their high fiber content makes for an excellent source of low-calorie snack food. So if you want something sweet at night—don’t reach for the chocolate bar! Instead try some dates: we’ll explain why below…

You will probably want to eat dates every day after reading this article!

Blood vessels

Dates are good for your blood vessels because they contain large amounts of calcium. If eaten three times a day, dates will keep the arteries clear and make it much less likely that you’ll have a stroke or heart attack.


Extensive research has shown that dates, when consumed regularly and in sufficient quantity, can greatly strengthen the liver.


Dates are also good for the heart. They contain large amounts of potassium, which helps prevent heart disease and reduces LDL cholesterol – as well as your risk of stroke and heart attacks.


Dates also have a large amount of vitamin A. This vitamin helps protect your eyes as well as regenerate the cornea. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin which protect your eyes and produce a protective filter against harmful UV rays.


Dates are an excellent snack to eat between meals because they contain sugar and give you energy. You can combine them with nuts, which boost the energy levels even more due to their fats; this is why snacks like these are often given as part of a sportsman’s diet. When eaten together with fruit, the vitamins will provide your brain with an extra source of stimulation that its cells need in order operate at max capacity.


People who suffer from occasional digestive problems, such as constipation and heartburn, often find relief by eating dates. The fruit – filled with amino acids and fiber – helps process food in the body and promotes healthy digestion.


Date fruits contain magnesium, which helps relieve swelling and pain. At the same time, it has an antibacterial effect – so infection is less likely to occur.

As you can see, dates are extremely good for your health and it would be beneficial to eat one or two of them every day.