Do you have weak nails or frequent leg cramps? Here’s what you need to supplement for your body immediately
Mildly low calcium levels may well go unnoticed, but as calcium deficiency becomes more severe, different groups of symptoms may arise. This is because, although it’s well known that calcium is needed for bone health, it’s also vital for many other functions, too. It’s an important part of the body’s blood clotting system, which helps you stop bleeding when you cut yourself; and crucially, calcium is also used to send signals from nerves to muscles and vital organs.
Common calcium deficiency symptoms include the following:
If you think you may be calcium deficient, talk to your doctor about your diet and daily supplement options.
1. Leg cramps. A decrease in calcium can cause nerve endings to spasm, says Women’s Health Magazine. This is why night cramps in the calves, hamstrings, and quads are a common sign of calcium deficiency.
2. Tingling or numbness. Aside from spastic nerve endings, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet may be another sign of calcium deficiency, says Save Our Bones.
3. Cavities. If you’ve suddenly got a few more cavities than usual, your body may be warning you that you’re low in calcium. This is because, according to Women’s Health Magazine, when the body does not get enough calcium through diet, it starts to look for calcium elsewhere, such as your teeth, and it extrapolates the nutrient from there.
4. Peeling nails. Just like teeth and bones, the nails store calcium. If yours are peeling, you may not be getting enough calcium, says Women’s Health Magazine. Increase your dairy take, eat more green vegetables, and switch to fortified foods. You should notice a difference in nail strength.
5. Difficulty sleeping. Save Our Bones reports calcium helps produce the sleep hormone melatonin. Calcium levels rise when the body enters deep sleep. If you are unable to reach a state of deep sleep, you may be suffering from a calcium deficiency.
6. Humped posture. When the bones are weakened due to calcium deficiency, the body responds by stooping, according to Global Healing Center. You may also notice pain in the neck and back.
7. Memory loss. Neurological symptoms like memory loss and hallucinations may be explained as signs of calcium deficiency, says Healthline.
8. Seizures. Healthline explains that calcium is important for proper neurotransmitter function and muscle contractions. Therefore, a deficiency in calcium can cause seizures in otherwise healthy people.
If you think you are affected by calcium deficiency, it’s not enough to drink an extra glass of milk. It is important to visit your doctor, and discuss your symptoms with a health professional.