If These 9 Things Happen In Your Relationship, Your Partner And You Will Be Together, FOREVER
No couple is perfect, but you two are pretty close. You’re pretty sure you’ve finally found that right person for you. You know, the one who listens intently while you vent about your grueling day at work and is there to hold you tightly on the couch with your Netflix queue already lined up.But how can you tell for sure? Luckily, there are some signs that show your partner and you will be together forever. Keep reading!
1. You want to share your lives together
You and your partner should be comfortable with the idea of intertwining your lives and families together. You should understand each other on a deeper level and be able to share all the aspects of your life with them. Lasting relationships require friendship to sustain even during the worst of days.
2. You feel comfortable around your partner
You feel comfortable around your partner if you can let your guards down and share your vulnerabilities, flaws, and truths. A different sense of comfort and trust is built when a relationship grows from a friendship. This is because they can understand things from the partner’s perspective. This is a pro tip for people in long-term relationships.
3. You enjoy trying new things together
If you like embarking on new adventures, visiting new places, or making plans together with your friends, it is a positive sign. Exploring new things together keeps your relationship dynamic and alive.
4. Your partner accepts you the way you are
Reliable partners will not expect you to change overnight. They will refrain from using words like “always” and “never” in negative ways when disappointed. They won’t make you feel bad about your flaws but help you turn them into your strengths.
5. You value each other
Trust and respect are the two cornerstones of long-term relationships. If your partner regularly asks for your advice or suggestions and involves you in the decision-making, they value your opinions and treat you as an equal.
6. You apologize and forgive each other
You and your partner should accept each other’s mistakes and missteps. Anyone can screw up or have a bad day. Instead of giving excuses, venting out anger, or being unapologetic, one should make a sincere effort to make amends and move on.
7. You both listen to each other
It is one of the ways to show respect to your partner. When you talk to your partner, they make eye contact and not interrupt you or scroll through their phone. They remember what you say and respond after contemplation.
8. You fight fair
Conflicts are not about winning at your partner’s expense. In a healthy relationship, couples do not get nasty or resort to blame-game or name-calling.
9. You are comfortable with physical intimacy
It is equally important to talk and express your love. You should be able to share your concerns and fantasies with your partner. Physical intimacy also involves gestures, hugs, and kisses that make you feel appreciated and wanted.