Home Quiz This Is What Happens After Applying Baking Soda Under Your Eyes

This Is What Happens After Applying Baking Soda Under Your Eyes

This Is What Happens After Applying Baking Soda Under Your Eyes

Surface cleaner. Antacid for heart burns. Healer for insect bite wounds. Refrigerator / mouth / carpets smell refreshing. Teeth whitener. Effective remedy for coughs. Eliminator of shoe odor. Pesticide cleaner for fruit and vegetables. But we think you already know all this.

This is what happens after applying Baking Soda under your eyes

Most women use it cosmetically. Used correctly, baking soda can get rid of excess sebum, pimples and blackheads. But … do you know why it is good to apply baking soda to the under-eye area?

It has been proven: The most effective face mask has baking soda in its composition. Baking soda and water. Just these amazing ingredients!

If you repeat the simple guidelines listed below to prepare the baking soda and water mask, you will see amazing results in about 2 weeks.

You need:

  • 1 cup of hot water (or tea)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 cotton cleansing pads

How to use:

Add the teaspoon of baking soda into water and mix well (if you don’t have time prepare a chamomile tea). Dip two cleansing pads in the obtained solution and apply them under the eyes. Leave them on for about 10-15 minutes.

Repeat this procedure every other day for 2 weeks and you will get amazing results!

Goodbye dark circles, unsightly dark circles, dry and old skin!
