Home Life You are making women respect you more if you do some of...

You are making women respect you more if you do some of these things

As one of the most important elements your relationship should have, respect is something that should be established even when you just start off as friends. You need to make sure that you and your partner are a team and you are both honest, considerate, compassionate, and of course, be sensitive to each others’ actions. This will give your relationship a stronger bond and will also make it long-lasting.

It’s really important that the both of you respect each other, if not then you might want to assess or ask yourself what’s wrong… or what’s lacking. So, here are some ways to make women respect you.

You are making women respect you more if you always do these things

1. Radiate happiness

You only get one shot at life, and it is up to you to decide whether you want to suffer through it or have fun with it. Always make it a priority to understand how to have a happy life, regardless of the circumstances. If you find yourself being knocked to the ground by life, make an effort to pick something up when you get back up. Figure out how to see the positive side of every scenario. People that always have a smile on their face and a humorous sense of humor are incredibly attractive. Just try to be yourself and confidently crack a few jokes when you see the person you have a crush on for the first time. Just make sure not to go too much past your limit. You will leave any woman you encounter wanting more of you if you do this because you will have opened up to her on a level she has never experienced before.

2. Be confident and comfortable

This is attractive to women, even though some of them pretend not to be moved by it.

It is natural for women to like confident guys because they are rare. But do not fake confidence, let it come from inside of you.

Learn to be comfortable when you are with women, they will test you to know if you are really confident or faking it. If you are for real they will consider you the man they are looking for.

3. A mindset focused on action

Be careful not to get caught in the thinking or tutorial trap. Get up and initiate conversation with the women around you right away. Get up and give it a shot even if you are not confident in your ability to handle the situation. It will unquestionably and significantly boost your confidence. You should talk to new women every day, and even if some of them are impolite, you should stay at it because each time you do it, you are moving forward in the confidence race.

4. Keep your word.

When you do not keep your promises, she loses her trust in you let alone respect you. If you said that you would do something or promised to take her out, fulfill it. When you always do what you promised it shows your integrity and your worthiness to be respected, your girlfriend will surely respect you for showing that kind of value.

5. Observe appropriate dress code

The manner in which you are dressed will undoubtedly influence how people address you. Dress elegantly and tastefully at all times. Do not always behave irresponsibly and dress in any way you please in the name of swag. Make an effort to look nice at all times.

6. Tell the truth, always.

Honesty is also one of the most important aspects of any kind of relationship. Even when the truth hurts, it is better to tell it anyway rather than your girlfriend hearing it from other people. How can she respect someone who doesn’t tell the truth? Owning up to your mistakes is so much better than denying it.

7. Stand up for yourself- and for your relationship also.

There will always be people who would say bad things about you and your relationship. We can’t please everyone but when they are crossing the line, know how to defend it. You just can’t turn a blind eye on people who can just freely insult and degrade your relationship. Standing up for yourself and defending both of you will let her clearly see how much you care and treasure your relationship no matter who brings it down.

8. Don’t live to impress

Be real, be original, be who you are. Do not live your life to make anyone happy. Live the way you’re comfortable with as long as it doesn’t endanger the next person.