Home Funny A Policeman Was Driving Down The Highway.

A Policeman Was Driving Down The Highway.

A Policeman Was Driving Down The Highway.

A policeman was driving down the highway, and he heard a strange noise coming from a cargo truck nearby.

He pulled over the truck and said to the truck driver: “what’s that noise coming from the back of your truck?”

The truck driver replied: “well, officer, it’s just my penguins. I hope there’s nothing wrong.”

The policeman responded: “in afraid you’ll have to bring them to the zoo by tomorrow, or else I’ll have to give you a ticket.”

The next day, the policeman saw the same truck, and pulled it over again. He said: “did you bring the penguins to the zoo?”

The truck driver said, “yeah, thanks for the recommendation! After that I took them to the movies, we had a great time!”


An Old Man Turned 115

An old man turned 115 and was being interviewed by a reporter for the local paper.
During the interview, the reporter noticed that the yard was full of children of all ages playing together.
A very pretty girl of about 19 served the old man and the reporter, keeping them in fresh tea and running errands for them.
“Are these your grandkids?” the reporter asked.
“Naw, sir, they all be my younguns,” the old man replied with a sly grin.
“Your kids?” said the reporter.
“What about this beautiful young lady who keeps bringing us tea? Is she one of your children too?”
“Naw, sir,” said the old man.
“She is my wife.”
“Your wife?” said the surprised reporter.
“But she can’t be more than 19 years old.”
“Thass right,” said the old man with pride.
“Well, surely you can’t have a s*x life with you being 115 and she being only 19,” the reporter remarked.
“Naw, sir, ” said the old man.
“We have s*x every night. Every night two of my boys helps me on it, and every morning six of my boys helps me off.”
“Wait just one minute,” said the newspaperman.
“Why does it only take two of your boys to put you on, but it takes six of them to take you off?” “Cause,” the spry old man said with a balled fist, “I fights ’em.”