Our lips have over a million nerve endings and are far more sensitive than our fingertips. They require particular attention. They can sometimes alert us to serious health issues and the need to pay close attention to them.
1. Cracks at the corners of your mouth
When saliva gets trapped in the corners of your mouth, it dries out skin that can crack. Infection is the most common cause of these cracks. If it happens too often, please don’t hesitate to go to a doctor.
2. Dry and chapped lips

The dryness of your lips can indicate a lack of moisture in the rest of the body. It can also happen because of the climate or stress. In this case, drink more water and use moisturizing creams.
3. Bumps on the lips
Lip bumps can be painful or uncomfortable, but most of the time they are harmless and can disappear without any treatment. It is very often the case that the cause is a viral infection, like herpes, and it needs proper medical treatment.
4. Red ring around lips
One of the most common reasons for a red ring around the mouth is lip licker’s dermatitis. Simple moisturizers and getting rid of this habit can solve this problem.
5. Wrinkles on the upper lip

If you started noticing lots of wrinkles on the upper lip, there can be both physical and emotional reasons.
Pay attention to your bad habits, like using a straw to drink a lot or smoking too much because of being stressed.
6. Discoloration of lips

Blue lips can indicate poor oxygen circulation in the blood. You can have the same symptoms in your fingers and toes.
White or pale lips can indicate anemia, which actually requires medical attention. It is also possible that you have low blood sugar, circulatory problems, or vitamin deficiencies.
7. Swollen lips

Swelling can be a sign of an allergic reaction. If you noticed that your lips get bigger every time you use certain cosmetics, get rid of them.
If your lips are getting bigger and bigger over a short period of time, call the paramedics.
8. Black spots on lips

There can be various reasons for black spots on the lips and you shouldn’t ignore them. The best option is to diagnose them by going to a doctor.
Hyperpigmentation is a common condition that can cause brownish patches. You may notice it not just on your lips, but also your cheeks, nose, and forehead.
Sunspots can also be a reason. Your body may absorb too much iron from the food you eat.