There it was a big Christmas tree, sparkling with twinkling lights and perfectly placed ornaments, standing tall in her living room. Firstly, I appreciated the effort, but as I saw the Christmas tree, I started wrestling with a bunch of conflicting feelings.
The tree was massive, adorned with a level of detail and attention that I’d usually associate with someone much younger than her. But honestly, her explanation hit me hard: “It reminds me of my childhood, decorating the tree with my mom before she passed away.”
A Quick Response
I was quite skeptical at first. Was it really worth it for her at 70 to devote so much time, energy, and money to this tree? Isn’t it better for her to spend time with her grandchildren rather than reliving memories from her past?
As I thought about it more, I began to question if I had made the correct decision. Was I being too harsh? Did I overlook anything?
Unpacking the Significance of Her Tradition
The holidays really bring out some strong feelings, don’t they? For my mother-in-law, decorating that tree goes beyond just hanging ornaments and stringing lights; it’s a good way to honor her late mother’s memory.

For her, this move probably isn’t just a silly or pointless thing to do. It could totally be seen as a powerful symbol, showing how we bounce back and hold onto what really counts, even as time goes by and those we care about become just memories.
Reevaluating Age and Tradition
It’s pretty common to think some activities are “too much” for someone at her age or point in life. If we make it to 70, aren’t we going to hold on tight to the things that make us happy?
For her, putting up that Christmas tree is probably less about the gifts and more about keeping alive the love and memories that mean so much to her.
A Lesson in Understanding Others
I was so quick to judge her decision that I didn’t really take in how much it meant to her emotionally. Her tree isn’t just some decoration—it’s a real symbol of continuity, love, and resilience. It’s a way for her to feel connected to her mom and share that bond with her family.
Wrapping it up: Honoring What Counts

My mother-in-law’s Christmas tree may not be my style, but it isn’t all about me, is it? It’s all about her finding purpose and joy on her own terms. I’ve come to regard it not as a luxury or a waste, but as a genuine statement of her love for her past and her family. It serves as an excellent reminder that what appears insignificant or excessive to one person can signify everything to another.
Just a parting thought
The holidays are all about taking a moment to think, bond, and really get what’s going on with each other. They really spotlight how vital it is to have empathy and to see things from other people’s viewpoints. My mother-in-law’s Christmas tree really highlights how traditions, whether they’re grand or simple, can connect us to the past and keep the memories of our loved ones alive.