Home Life 7 Signs Show That You’re Not His N0.1 Woman

7 Signs Show That You’re Not His N0.1 Woman

In the best relationships, the two of you are both on the same page about what you want and how you feel. There are times when one person will be putting in more effort than the other, but this should be a temporary arrangement rather than a permanent one. It’s important to sense if you’re prioritizing him a bit more than he’s prioritizing you. You might want to take a step back if you’ve noticed any of these habits start to appear.



Trust me when I say if you’re not his main lady, it would be obvious. A man doesn’t joke with his number one lady; if you’re his number one, you won’t beg for his attention, he would give you voluntarily without you asking; he would try as much as possible to make sure he gives you all the attention you need.


A man would do everything possible for the woman he loves; special treatments won’t be lacking; after all, if he doesn’t treat you special then who is he giving the treatment to? When you are a side chick, you would hardly have special treatment from that man; he doesn’t see you as special so there would be no need to treat you special.


When you aren’t his number one woman, he makes all sorts of excuses all the time (silly ones at that). When he’s always having one excuse or the other for not visiting, not calling, not wanting you to visit, then you need to check your position in his life and how much he values you because these are obvious signs that you are not his number one.


When a man has no other reason than s.e.x to be with you then you need to check your position in his life. A man’s attraction to other ladies that are not his ‘numero uno’ are purely physical. You can’t be his number one when all he has to offer is nothing more than physical attraction; if you’re his number one, he would give you way more.


Trust me when I say a man’s friends has all the answers you need. When you’re his number one, you would know his friends and they would treat you like his special lady that you are; his friends would take you as serious as he does. But when you’re just ‘one of those’ on the list, they would indirectly treat you in such manner.


A man doesn’t joke with his number one lady; he spoils her with calls and always wants to be with her; he knows he has to do a lot to prove he loves his lady and would do too but when he doesn’t keep in touch regularly, it’s not just a sign but a huge sign that you’re not his special lady.

Except you just enjoy being a side lady (for reasons best known to you) then these signs are sure signs that your man doesn’t have huge interest in you and you need to move on.


One thing about being his side lady is that you probably won’t have much public outings and dates with him but when you ever get to be with him he would be as casual as possible. No fondling and no love showings are just example of things that would characterize your date with a man that doesn’t see you as his number one.