Home Health 4 vitamins that relieve knee pain and improve your bone health

4 vitamins that relieve knee pain and improve your bone health

Climate change is just around the corner, and many people’s knees are feeling the effects. Knee pain can be caused by multiple factors, not necessarily the weather, but there are a number of vitamins that will help with this discomfort.

One of the most common pains among young people, adults, and the elderly is the knee. That’s right, this pain doesn’t distinguish between ages, as it can be caused by several factors, including an injury or surgery, a torn ligament, a torn cartilage, and it can also be caused by a medical condition such as arthritis, osteoporosis, infections, among many others.

This knee pain is so common due to the wear and tear they suffer throughout our lives, or due to physical trauma in that area. The knee is the central joint of the legs. It is made up of two very important bones, the femur and the tibia, connected to another small bone called the patella, according to information from Top Doctors.

The wear and tear on your knees from daily movement such as walking, running, bending, jumping, or any other activity that puts stress on your knees is what makes them so prone to developing pain over time.

According to information from the United States government platform MedlinePlus, this condition usually begins with mild pain from time to time, which progresses to intense, unbearable pain.

Since it is a gradual discomfort, the recommendation is not to ignore the pain, even if it’s minor, and to seek medical advice or take four essential vitamins to cure the knee pain that is bothering you so much.

The vitamins you need for good knee health are the following:

Vitamin A or Retinol or Retinoic Acid: Taking these vitamins can help those who need them improve the quality of the body’s cells, thereby helping to control muscle and joint pain. You can find vitamin A in leafy greens, vegetables of specific colors (green, orange, or yellow), such as broccoli, carrots, or pumpkin, and fruits such as melon, mangoes, and apricots.

Vitamin D: This vitamin is easy to obtain, as it is found in widely consumed meats, white meats, trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, and others. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, and is a necessary mineral for healthy bones.

Vitamin K: Specifically, we are referring to vitamin K1, known as phylloquinone. It provides essential minerals to bones and cartilage. We can find phylloquinone in foods such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, blueberries, figs, cheese, and eggs, among others.

Vitamin B complex: This is the name given to the entire vitamin B family, which supports the health of the nervous system, accelerates cell production, and promotes a healthy metabolism. Thiamin or vitamin B1, riboflavin or vitamin B2, niacin or vitamin B3, pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, biotin or vitamin B7, and folic acid are what this complex contains.

It’s best to get this complex at your local pharmacy. The price may vary, but these vitamins will undoubtedly make your knees feel much better.

If, even after trying these vitamins, the pain persists or worsens, it’s best to see a professional for a more complete evaluation.