Home Health 4 areas of the body suddenly get painful: Your liver disease may...

4 areas of the body suddenly get painful: Your liver disease may come to a severe stage and requires urgent medical check

If the body has these pains, the patient needs to see a doctor urgently to avoid affecting their health.

Lower Right Abdominal Pain

The right lower abdomen is where the liver is located, so when pain appears in this location, it may indicate that your liver is having problems. When the liver is swollen, bleeding or the liver cyst is dilated, it will cause swelling, pain like being subjected to acupuncture or a dull ache. If you feel these symptoms, seek medical attention and treatment immediately to avoid serious complications.

Right shoulder and back pain

When suffering from liver cαncєr, uncontrolled growth of cαncєr cells can cause pain in the right shoulder and back. The higher the severity of the disease, the more severe the pain and the wider the range of pain.


Most people think joint pain is caused by cold joints or rheumatoid arthritis. However, liver disease can also cause joint pain.

Calf pain

According to traditional medicine experts, the liver governs the tendons, and unexplained cramps and pain at night may be due to liver function problems.

Furthermore, if you exercise too hard, lack calcium, have cold feet, painful legs and cramps, go to the hospital to have your liver function checked.

Warning signs of liver problems

1. Fatigue and loss of appetite

Fatigue is the most common symptom of liver disease. Although the underlying pathogenesis is still unclear, it is determined to be related to changes in central nervous system transmission. In other words, fatigue is the result of unstable signals between the damaged brain and liver. From then on, the body begins to fall into a state of lethargy, limbs become weak and there is no appetite.

2. Itching, hives, pimples

These symptoms are rare in alcohol-related liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. On the contrary, Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), etc. are highly likely to cause signs of itching, pimples or hives, but not everyone who experiences itching will have liver disease that is often related to allergies. According to many experimental and clinical studies, these symptoms may stem from the following factors:

  • Some natural substances in the body: Histamine, Serotonin…
  • Sensitive skin cells.
  • Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and autotaxin (an enzyme that forms LPA).

3. Dark urine

This is a symptom that red blood cells in the blood accumulate too much bilirubin because the liver does not break it down normally. At this time, urine is often dark in color.

4. Bad breath

The liver acts as a filter, responsible for removing waste from the blood and converting some substances in the blood into bile to enter the intestines, thereby excreting it in the stool. When the organ is damaged, the ability to filter sulfur-containing compounds is also limited.

This means liver failure, leading to an unpleasant odor in the breath. However, this unusual odor is completely unrelated to hygiene or oral health issues. The patient cannot be cured by rinsing the mouth as usual.

5. Right lower quadrant pain

Most cases of right lower quadrant pain are caused by liver disease, such as cirrhosis, liver cαncєr… The pain can be sharp but is usually a feeling of severe pressure that appears and then disappears. If this symptom occurs frequently and gradually increases in intensity, causing the body to lose the ability to function normally, the patient needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

In addition, accompanying signs are often fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, indigestion, rapid weight loss… When the condition becomes more serious, the patient also has jaundice, yellow eyes and urine discoloration.